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Foto: Ansicht des Titelblatts

The Bundesrat: 16 federal states – one conclusion

Pocket-sized brochure with brief, easy to understand introductory information on the Bundesrat's composition, role, function and working methods.

(64 pages, 1st edition, 2019)

Unless you are a teacher or work in an educational institution, the maximum order quantity for this publication is 5 copies.

The Bundesrat: 16 federal states - one conclusion [PDF, 3MB]
Foto: Ansicht des Titelblatts

Le Bundesrat : 16 Länder – un résultat

Brochure en format de poche avec des informations de base simples et succinctes sur la composition, la mission, la fonction et le mode de fonctionnement du Bundesrat.

(64 pages, 1re édition, 2019)

Unless you are a teacher or work in an educational institution, the maximum order quantity for this publication is 5 copies.

Le Bundesrat: 16 Länder – un résultat [PDF, 3MB]
Foto: Ansicht des Titelblatts / Cover

The Bundesrat and the Federal System

The Bundesrat of the Federal Republic of Germany

Brochure giving a comprehensive overview of the Bundesrat, described in clear, comprehensible terms, along with basic information on federalism. Author: Konrad Reuter

Unless you are a teacher or work in an educational institution, the maximum order quantity for this publication is 5 copies.

Foto: Ansicht des Titelblatts / Cover

Le Bundesrat et l’État fédéral

Le Bundesrat de la République fédérale d'Allemange

Brochure présentant une description claire et approfondie du Bundesrat ainsi qu’un b. a.-ba du fédéralisme. Auteur : Konrad Reuter

Unless you are a teacher or work in an educational institution, the maximum order quantity for this publication is 5 copies.

Foto: Ansicht des Titelblatts / Cover

El Bundesrat y el Estado Federal

El Bundesrat de la República Federal de Alemania

Folleto con una amplia, clara y fácilmente comprensible descripción del Bundesrat e información básica sobre el federalismo. Autor: Konrad Reuter

Unless you are a teacher or work in an educational institution, the maximum order quantity for this publication is 5 copies.

Foto: Ansicht des Titelblatts / Cover

Бундесрат и федеративное государство

Бундесрат Федеративной Республики Германия

Эта брошюра в наглядной и доступной форме знакомит с Бундесратом, всесторонне освещая его работу, а также содержит основную характеристику федерализма. Автор - Конрад Ройтэр

Unless you are a teacher or work in an educational institution, the maximum order quantity for this publication is 5 copies.

Foto: Ansicht der Vorderseite / Cover

Federal Legislation – A key role for the Bundesrat

Leaflet with a brief textual and graphic presentation of the legislative process

(Berlin, 2024)

Unless you are a teacher or work in an educational institution, the maximum order quantity for this publication is 5 copies.

Federal Legislation – A key role for the Bundesrat [PDF, 4MB]
Foto: Ansicht der Vorderseite / Cover

La procédure législative de la Fédération – Une mission pour le Bundesrat

Dépliant avec une brève présentation écrite et graphique du processus législatif

(Berlin, 2024)

Unless you are a teacher or work in an educational institution, the maximum order quantity for this publication is 5 copies.

La procédure législative de la Fédération – Une mission pour le Bundesrat [PDF, 4MB]
Foto: Ansicht der Vorderseite / Cover

La Ustawodawstwo federalne – Zadanie dla Bundesratu

Ulotka z krótką tekstową i graficzną prezentacją procesu legislacyjnego

(Berlin, 2024)

Unless you are a teacher or work in an educational institution, the maximum order quantity for this publication is 5 copies.

La Ustawodawstwo federalne – Zadanie dla Bundesratu [PDF, 4MB]


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